我的space回来了,可它回来的过程远远不如看起来那么容易。就像windows live的客服论坛上一位怒不可遏的用户所吼道的:A stupid click destroys everthing!——一段时间里,我也是这么想的。
Good job, Microsoft.
Here are my appreciation, my doubt, and my anger.
I appreciate the beautiful space you provided for me in the last six years. It’s free, stable, and uncensored even in China. There is nothing to criticize your decision because maintaining such an enormous service running under huge financial deficits is not your obligation.
I doubt about what you’ve done after made the decision to give up on Live Spaces. There are dozens of ways of migrating, yet perhaps you choose the worst one. As an entry level software developer, from my point of view, the migrating procedures should obviously be
1. The customer initiates migrating and Live Space starts transferring
2. Space is frozen but still visible and downloadable
3. Both WordPress and the customer make sure the migration is completed
4. Live Space removes the space
However, you disable the space in the first place and declare “unfortunately” and “cannot” again and again and again. Are you really Microsoft? I seriously doubt that.
Making a mistake is one thing, but making a mistake and refusing to admit it is another. What makes me angry is your attitude, you and WordPress keep passing the buck to each other! I believe none of the giant companies like Google, Facebook or Apple would screw things up like you. Emphasizing, WHAT MAKES ME ANGRY IS NOT WHAT YOU DID, BUT YOUR ATTITUDE!
原来出这些个问题了 我说怎么这么半天还没转过来呢
还有怎么换显示图片 。。 不知道是不是在user和setting设置?我明明换了图片了 为什么没有显示。。
写的挺好的。但是中文表达习惯还是没有改变。仅举一例,这个标题应该写作 My Appreciation, Doubt, and Anger 是比较符合习惯的。
“First my fear; then my courtesy; last my speech. My fear is, your displeasure; my courtesy, my duty;
and my speech, to beg your pardons.”
如果我要抄他,是不是应该说“First my appreciation; then my doubt; last my anger”?
现代英语和十七世纪晚期的英语有显著不同,如果是我不会写的这么罗嗦。另外戏剧中毕竟有些口语化和强调式的表达。如果非要强调It is something I feel 的话,确实是可以这么写的,但我觉得这里似无此必要。
那就再举一例吧。从开头到第一段末都是很好的,可是这一句是不符合表达习惯的There is nothing to criticize your decision because maintaining such an enormous service running under huge financial deficits is not your obligation.
应该写成: Considering that you have maintained this enormous service with huge financial deficit for years, I don’t want to dispute with you on the decision of closure. Yet…
第二段段首的doubt 后面的about是多余的,应该去掉。
我怎么觉得 两句话侧重点不同而已。 而且我个人倾向于原来的表达方式。。。dispute with you on the decision of closure. 这么说感觉有点别扭啊。。
…这种回帖居然还有其他人关注。原来的表达是Ok的,但是从希望表达的意义重点和通顺来看是要用第二种的。the decision of closure如果看上去不舒服,也可以写成your final call/decision to shut down this service 或者啥的。不过反观there is nothing to criticize …because …就有点让人抓不住重点,而且在正式的书写里面也几乎见不到 there is nothing to 这种说法。比较常说的会是 I have nothing to …之类的话吧。
当然这都是一些非常minor 的问题。如果还要举一例,最后一段第二句话”What makes me angry is your attitude, you and WordPress keep passing the buck to each other! ” 这个中间是不可以用逗号的。可以在逗号后面加一个for,就正确了。
“There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” 我抄罗斯福你都有意见?你故意抬杠啊!
人家说的是the only thing we have to fear is fear itself好不好…培根同学倒是说了there is nothing to fear啥的不过…不过还是中古时代英语…